Top Ten Giraffe facts

Next up, AI researchers’ favourite animal, the giraffe:

How on earth it came up with fact 8A I don’t know, but then again… it’s not like any of these facts make much sense.

The Top Ten facts about giraffes you'd never have guessed: 10. Giraffes do not drink milk. The baby giraffe sucks the milk from the mother's side and is in fact weaned very early in the life of the calf, so that it is able to take its own food in the form of leaves and twigs. Usually after a few days, the mother will start to allow the calf to suck at her udder. 9. Giraffes are not the only large mammal that is able to produce a coiled umbilical and surgical scar on their tail. The Black Rhino has also been observed doing so. Also, giraffes report that the Lesser Antillean Hornbill forgoes its own tail and presents a coiled scar to the newborn. 8. Most giraffes are not only able but also proud to urinate and defecate in plain view, but they do it in a very creative and clever manner. Instead of peeing into the bushes, giraffes have invented a special device to urinate and defecate. This is done by the giraffe simply placing its foot and over the top of the pen on which it is standing and then pressing down, much like a jack-in-the-box. They then move the foot upwards at a speed of up to one meter per second and then let it swing back and forth at an angle of up to 30 degrees, coming to a stop only when the required distance has been achieved. Often the required distance is only 2-3 centimeters, but if they are not satisfied with that, they have a pretty good chance of hitting the target. In the process, the urine and feces fly out of the moveable foot but get caught by the inducing appendage, which is now fixed, and fall on the ground. 9. Giraffes are not able to jump at all. They like to stretch their legs very far apart, but unfortunately, they cannot stretch them out straight like a jumper. They are so proud of their 'weird' jumping technique that they show it to strangers. If you finger the end of it, they will bend it around your finger and then lower their legs. 8. Giraffes are not the only large mammal that has a hermaphrodite reproductive system. Hippopotami also have reproductive organs of the same sex. 7. Giraffes have very long necks. Because the neck has more weight and strain than any other part of the body, it has to be big. So they have the longest necks among the mammals, exceeding the average length of a giraffe's back by up to 9 centimeters. 6. Giraffes are incredibly graceful animals, not only when running, but also when standing still. 5. Most mothers do not squeeze their babies once they are born. Very often, mothers allow their babies to fall freely to the ground and walk away. Only those mothers who are hanging on and not allowing their babies to fall to the ground go through the unusual squeezing movement, which is usually only done once. 4. Some babies of giraffes can be born with their forelegs sticking out of their body. The condition is known as a fetiform body and the baby looks like a fetal shape. A unique thing is that the forelegs remain in that position for the rest of the calf's life. 3. Giraffes have no filter-like net. Giraffes have a large gap between their ears. But in fact, they are not able to hear anything through that gap. The gap is caused by their being a ground-dwelling animal, where their ears are likely to get irritated by the walking. If they would use their ears like we do, in the rain for example, they would get water in their ear drums and would get wet. They don't need to hear, as long as they feel safe and free to move. 2. Giraffes' tails are NOT as long as they appear. The visible tip of the tail is quite thick, but you do not want to get fooled by this. The real tip of the tail is only half as thick as it appears. The rest has a much thinner and softer tip. The tail is an integral part of the giraffe's coattail system. If the tail is pulled, the coattail tapers off from the tip and the giraffe is able to bend the tail in all directions. 1. Giraffes have no skin-to-skin contact with each other. Once a female giraffe has given birth, she gives birth to only one calf. And if she has more than one calf, they spend their time in total isolation. They live near each other and sleep next to each other, but they do not touch. Also, every calf stays away from the mother's nose as its own mom would attack it. This is also the reason why their eyes are so hard in order to help them to not get attacked by the mom. Giraffes put their heads to each other's neck to get to know each other, but they do not need to smell each other's genitals to see whether the female is in heat, for example. Conclusion: In case you wonder, giraffes are NOT the tallest land animal on earth. That honor goes to aaaand the Giant Panda.

This one’s not quite as extravagantly crazy as the first try above, but I still wouldn’t let GPT-J write the information panels at my local zoo. If somebody wants to submit this as an actual article on Huffington Post, though, be my guest.

The Top Ten facts about giraffes you'd never have guessed: 10. Giraffes spend about 16 hours a day eating. The moment a giraffe gets a mouthful of grass, it knows it’s time to eat. They eat 92 pounds of food in a day which might consist of leaves, leaves, grasses, tuberous roots, and fruits. The first herbivore that ever lived was the first carnivorous mammal, a giant marsupial that ate plants. 9. Giraffes have almost no hair. Only the underside of their legs and the inside of their ears are covered in hair. The rest of their skin is a sort of coat. But their tails, leg bones, and parts of the skull have evolved to help them rid themselves of these hairs, that get in their way. 8. The average male giraffe's length is 18 feet. The longest giraffe on record is 19.1 feet long. 7. Giraffes are vegetarians. Giraffes eat only grass and leaves. But sometimes they’ll eat a small amount of fruit. 6. Giraffes have a very sensitive sense of smell. Giraffes can smell up to a mile away. 5. The largest population of giraffes live in Kenya. They’re also found in other countries such as Sudan, Namibia, Rhodesia, and Tanzania. They’re the most widely distributed herbivore in the world. 4. Baby giraffes are born with their eyes closed. The mother stands over her baby giraffe until they open their eyes. 3. Giraffes can’t walk on their hind legs for about two years. But their front legs are stronger and they can walk a little. They’re pretty good at balancing, but not very good at picking things up, and especially not people. 2. One of the biggest challenges giraffes face is their coat. Their thick, coarse coat is very difficult to groom. This makes grooming almost impossible. A giraffe's coat is called their “system”. Giraffes’ coats are made up of a thick oily skin of keratin and a soft, silky undercoat. A giraffe's coat can take up to five years to grow. 1. Giraffes eat lots of leaves and grass. But they also eat trees, moss, fruit, and bark. This post originally appeared on HuffPost.

The weirdness factor gets turned up again. Whereas above GPT-J claimed that giraffes couldn’t jump, now it turns around 180° and says that not only can they jump, but actually quite high, and backwards, and rather fast at that. Also an important note for all prospective giraffe-owners: Giraffes are not waterproof!

Finally, once more GPT-J pretends it’s reproducing a Buzzfeed page or something like that, and continues with a list of other articles you might be interested in. The idea of a ‘Top 10 Favorite Brands of Bottled Water’ article sounds crazy at first, but on second thought could unfortunately be only all too true after all.

The Top Ten facts about giraffes you'd never have guessed: 10. They can jump insanely high. Like, back-flop-land-fall high. They have an automatic system of diving and rolling to try and keep their heads, necks and vulnerable stomachs from being injured from hitting the ground. It's amazing. They can jump 30 feet or more. That makes it really easy for the big cats to hit them. They can also jump backwards at more than 20 miles an hour. No one knows why giraffes do this. It's so similar to a cat's instinct, but stranger again, since cats prefer to run away, not dive and roll. This instinct, however, may keep them safe from a few predators. 9. They are the largest living animal on land. This is actually a problem for them. They have to spend so much time grazing, walking around and stretching, and trying to keep themselves cool, that they don't have time to have babies. Giraffes have two calves a year, but it takes them about a year to regain their full strength, so the females don't start lactating again until their calves are two years old. If a mature female gives birth every year, which keeps the population up, she would give birth to a kid every two years. This is a problem for the giraffes because it can slow down the population growth over the long term. If the population stops growing, they will become less and less common. 8. They don't have any teeth. The giraffe's diet is all leaves, and the only thing it eats that could harm them is the bark of trees. The giraffe's mouth is actually a combination of cartilage and skin. There is no outside, soft, tooth part. Their mouth is similar to that of cows. The giraffe scratches the leaves off the branches using their powerful, three-clawed front legs. They use their tongue to tear the leaves apart as they process and chew them, and then their mouth, tongue and lips form a ball to break them up. The giraffe can eat 1-3 lbs of leaves a day. 7. They use their big ears and shaggy mane to communicate with other giraffes. There is a higher frequency of sound in the ear, and the ear is used to pick up sounds from farther away. It is an interesting and amazing fact, one that nearly no one knows about, that giraffes have their own language, their own vocalization, that they can use to communicate with each other. They use their ears to see approaching danger for other giraffes, and to see holes in the ground to step over. 6. They can climb trees and run, jump, play and sleep on cloudlike platforms between trees that are about 15 feet from the ground. They can jump a 15-foot-high tree in one step if they feel the need to. They are also monotremes, and can split their tail up the middle. They lay eggs, which causes the female to stop eating, and the calves to stop eating and growing. They can also eat the red pulp of the fruit, which may be the same thing as ellagic acid. 5. They have been found to have a heart that beats about 75 times a minute if standing. If they're running, it's about 80 to 120 beats per minute. They die young, and they're not waterproof. If a giraffe falls into a lake, it will drown. 4. Although they have long necks, they can't turn their heads far enough to see behind them. Their necks are so long because they have to eat 20-25 lbs of leaves, grass and fruit a day, and they have to stretch that whole time. It takes many twists and turns of their neck to have a proper view of what is around them. There are a few other facts about the neck that are interesting. They can't change how fast they eat, although they can use their legs to help with chewing. Their trunks are used to balance while they're eating, and keep them from bending or breaking their necks from leaning too far. 3. They use their trunks to drink and to fan themselves. If a giraffe gets too hot, or feels like it's going to be too hot, it will stand still, fan its ears with its long, black-and-white striped tail, and try to get some breeze going. They also use their trunks to communicate with other giraffes, similar to how dogs use their trunks. A giraffe will make a clicking sound by licking the air with its tongue. 2. They have the most spinal fluid of any land animal. Their body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the highest temperature on the planet. They have to be cold because of the way they cycle and lay eggs. The female is in heat for a little less than six days a month. She only lays her egg once a year, and it takes her about a year to recuperate. This means the calves are protected while the mother is in heat. It's like when you take your car to the shop. You stay in heat until your car is ready to go back on the road again. If she doesn't give birth and lay eggs, she doesn't eat for the rest of the year. 1. They are sometimes victims of human behavior. They have been hunted by humans for thousands of years, and have now been protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna, or CITES. CITES regulates the trading of giraffes, and their numbers are slowly increasing, so is their value. Unfortunately, the most worth trophy is done by a hunter paid by the animal's meat. This is a huge problem for giraffes, since the meat is used for fast food, where it could be cartridge fodder. In South Africa alone, only three giraffes were illegally hunted for meat in 1992, five in 1993 and 28 in 1994. This is just a tiny amount of meat they need, and the number of humans willing to do that is many times lower than the number of people willing to hunt other animals for their meat. Now, take a few moments to review the facts about giraffes above. Hopefully you'll learn something new. 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